About Us
In 1843, Bishop Patrick Phelan and Father Adrien Telmon requested the presence of the Grey Nuns for a new mission in Bytown, an underprivileged locality, to assume all previously non-existent social ministries. In 1845, Sister Élisabeth Bruyère, spiritual daughter of Saint Marguerite d'Youville, arrived with three religious companions and two young women in formation, to take up this daunting challenge. Since then, the Sisters of Charity of Ottawa, known as the Grey Nuns of the Cross, have been following in the footsteps of Élisabeth Bruyère, living their charism with the great Church mission of evangelisation.

Word of Welcome From the Superior General
Welcome to the website of the Sisters of Charity of Ottawa! It will allow you to better know our foundress, Élisabeth Bruyère, the Sisters, the Associates and the Consecrated Lay Persons who seek to continue in our present day her charism of compassion and spread her charity. The Sisters of Charity are involved in several areas: education, health care, social and pastoral ministry. Like Mother Bruyère, the Sisters of Charity of Ottawa seek to be committed in all those fields which require an attentive ear, an open hand and a loving heart. Shortly after the foundation in Ottawa in 1845, the Sisters of Charity of Ottawa ventured into the United States. Then, in 1931, they brought the charism of compassion overseas to Lesotho, then to Malawi and Zambia. In 1960, Brazil and Japan received them. Finally, in 1996, they went to Cameroon. Today, our Congregation has become multicultural, inviting us to live in the wealth of our cultures. Our mission is ever vibrant as much in Canada as elsewhere. On our site you will discover our history, our fields of involvement, our spirituality, the principal activities of the Congregation and so much more. Enjoy surfing our site!
Rachelle Watier, SCO, Superior General
General Council
The General Council is elected for a 5-year mandate.
- Sr Rachelle Watier, General Animator
- Sr Jocelyne Robert, General Assistant
- Sr Clementina Molefe, Councillor
- Sr Abigail Buumba, Councillor
- Sr Geovana Barroso de Sena, Councillor