
Center for the Cause of Élisabeth Bruyère

What a joy it is to come and offer you our best wishes for a Christmas of Peace, Love and Hope and a New Year 2025 filled with the most precious blessings. Together, let us proclaim the Good News - in the Emmanuel, God is close to us. Let us share our joy in believing, hoping and knowing we are loved by God.

You are probably aware that the Church will be celebrating a Holy Year in 2025-2026. During this year, which begins on December 24, 2024, and ends on January 6, 2026, we are all invited to become “Pilgrims of Hope” and to experience moments of personal encounter with the Lord Jesus, He who is the “door” to salvation (Jn 10:7.9), He who is “our hope” (1 Tim 1:1). We are invited to rekindle our hope as we live in a world where violence and war cause untold suffering. Let us drink from the wellsprings of hope. Let us take every opportunity to bear witness and let the light of hope shine in the places where we journey.

Thank you for your profound trust in our Venerable Mother Élisabeth Bruyère, whom you love and whom you make known. We greatly appreciate your feedback ... it's always very inspiring to welcome your testimonies of faith, hope and charity. It is a privilege for us, the SCO’s, to receive your requests for prayers and to pray with you and for you.

This year we, the Sisters of Charity of Ottawa, will celebrate our 180th anniversary of our founding in Bytown – February 20, 2025. We invite you to join us in giving thanks to God for all the blessings received during one hundred and eighty years of compassion offered as we walk in Jesus’ footsteps and as we follow our Venerable and Beloved Mother Élisabeth Bruyère.

Louise Charbonneau, sco
Vice-Postulator of the Cause
Centre for the Cause of the Venerable Élisabeth Bruyère

« J’ai assez de confiance pour croire à la possibilité des miracles si le bon Dieu le veut. » (Mère Élisabeth Bruyère 3 octobre 1865)

« I have sufficient confidence to believe in the possibility of miracles if it is God’s will. » (Mother Élisabeth Bruyère, October 3, 1865.)


Sadness disturbs the mind and weakens judgment, it makes us suspicious, shady, shy and unable to lead others and even more so to lead ourselves.
Élisabeth Bruyère (Personal Notebook)
May the Lord be generous in increasing your love and make you love one another and the whole human race as much as we love you.
1, 3 Th:12
The hope of eternal life is not to be taken up upon slight grounds. It is a subject to be settled between God and your own soul; settled for eternity. (…)
Henri de Lubac